
So, since when is Laurel so concerned about using protection? She certainly didn't seem worried when she was banging Frank on the front porch or in the basement at Annalise's; or even when she was with Con in the office.
The whole bath scene was already weird and squicky enough without it not really making sense based

So I just watched the original scene where it was revealed Frank killed Lila. We see Sam on the phone saying "It's Sam. I need you to do what we talked about. You owe me" But we don't actually see Frank on the other end of the phone. We just see him strangling her. What if the call was to someone else? Someone who

Cutting off before Frank could explain anything? Stop killing me. I need to know what he owed Sam like I need air.

Wes and Laurel - that's a no from me.
It squicks me out. Their relationship has always seemed more sibling-like to me.

Once again, showing that you don't actually pay attention to the show. Laurel's phone has pretty much always had shirtless Frank since the start of season 1. It's not her background, it comes up on his contact when he calls. He even mentioned doing it to her phone in one episode.

We don't know why Frank owed Sam and had to do it yet. But god damn am I dying to find out!

I'm interested to see how Laurel will react. There has been all these allusions to her family, and even Annalise said "you've been through worse with your father" when she was trying to get Laurel to shoot her. So I wonder how/if any of that will play into her reaction.

You could see so much going on in his face while he said nothing. Such a brilliant scene. You could tell he was battling with his usual secretiveness and how much he loves her.

"How much do we really need to know about what happened 10 years ago? But honestly. Answers to what happened between Annalise and Wes’s mom would be nice, especially since we’ve been waiting for so damn long."