
I have it.

Why not? Again, that's not for you to say. It's subsided and I'm sure it will continue to, but it's still there, and it probably will be for a very long time. I'm not alone in this, you know.

See but that's not for you to say. That may be your opinion, and I'm glad for you that you've never felt that yourself. But it just isn't your call.

I'd consider that a far more worthy use of my time, than wasting it here with 'people' like you. Please run along and high-five your fellow deplorables, now.

Another compassionate soul joins the fray.

You may be right, but I was responding to Easteros judging MY time to grieve an icon. Easteros wasn't discussing Prince's music, now was he?

"From someone I'd never personally met…" meaning NOT family or friends, you dolt.

I don't believe you or anyone else is qualified to judge the extent of someone else's grief, or put limits on what someone's death meant to them. Prince was instrumental in my formative years, both as a musical genius and as a strong advocate for liberation and personal choice. I won't try to justify what he or his

I did that too. Several others I know did it, as well. It was tribute, and it was cathartic. Sorry that you couldn't be bothered to see her pain.

In my gut, I'm fifteen again. These movies… these movies.

I loved Cop Rock, even when it was bad. This was a welcome, enlightening read, thank you!


LIfe! Such a great show. First season, anyway.

Hershel. I quit TWD for a whole year after his brutal, undignified, uncalled-for death at the hands of a slimy, smarmy tool. He deserved better, and I was furious, and bereft. It was made worse by that fucking smugass Robert Kirkman on the TTD couch right after, too. Sneeringly telling Scott Wilson that if he had

The Number 10. Proprietor: Tom Nuttall.

As am I! Always love it when my fandom streams cross and I get to read something new and interesting about him, so thanks again, I enjoyed the piece!

What made you choose him?

I never thought the AV Club would do a piece with darling Gube. He nailed that list too, right? Sitting here in my Gubeface shirt and reading all these comments, I love it when people genuinely GET him and his offbeat nature. I have a Criminal Minds fan site (http://criminalmindsfans.com/) where I get to interview the

"I suffer from aviophobia, aviatophobia, and claustrophobia…"
"Yeah? If you don't shut the fuck up you're gonna suffer from FISTophobia"!