
It's got one of the best launch period line-ups of all time. There are a lack of solid third party games, but there are more than enough first party games. Also, I don't know anyone who doesn't own a PC/PS4/XBone in addition to their Switch, so in my opinion the lack of AAA third party games isn't a big deal.

Yes, those scenarios should be taken into account, and the alleged victim should be taken seriously (assuming we're talking about actual accusations and not internet hearsay and vague accounts of what happened), but by the same token, until it can be proven what exactly happened, the accused should also be taken

That interview isn't him, it's one of his friends.

I think Read Music/Speak Spanish is the better album, by far.

Detox's L.A. drag sister was Willam, not Sharon Needles.

Pretty much every single article I read about this band makes that mistake. What kind of band would actually name their album 'Just Hip Enough….'? 'Just Enough Hip…' is a far better title.

Oh please, spare us the recycled aryan airlines line. The show has always had a diverse cast, and last season the queens were pretty representative of the of the overall population in this country.

Kandy's lipsyncs were everything, though. Personally, I could've done without Sasha and Jasmine.

Well, yeah, she's obviously a Twin Peaks fan (her black lodge reunion outfit was the best look of last season).

Robbie is giving 50's middle aged house wife, Pearl and Violet are giving 50's pinup (with a bit of 80's Madonna/Gaultier), both vintage lingerie, but two completely different aesthetics.