
I'd honestly be fine if the next season was Selina winning the presidency with Jonah as her VP, basically writing her off the show (becoming a new president Hughes type figure) and making a new show based around Jonah, the new Veep, starting in season 8.

Whoever they sell my history to is gonna be grosssssedddddd outtttt

Pretty sure it's not who you think, based on the guest star credit at the end of the episode.

I've enjoyed this show since the first episode but it's getting really annoying that it's become 90% lead up and a handful of obvious reveals. every episode is starting to feel like a long trailer for the next episode.

I really disliked Pete Holmes up until this show and now I think I love him. At the least I really love this show.

Fuck off, scum. You aren't part of the joke, you're the butt of it.

I brought these from home, not the other way around

"Linda wants me to learn ballroom dancing in case we go, back in time or something"

I really like her "what the fuck am I doing and why did I let them make me do this shit" blank stare/smile. That looked painful.

I fucking died during the end segment of DNC clips. RIP me.


What's that old saying about equality feeling like persecution to those currently in power?

Article about wonder woman being a feminist hero

Overall I've been a bit disappointed by this season so far but oh my god, this was not just one of the best Veep episodes of all time, but maybe one of the best episodes of television, period.

I can't tell if you're an insanely dedicated troll or just insane. Either way it's fascinating.

"Trunkmaster Flex!"

"Is it hers?"
"Hard to tell with no serial number"
"Yeah, probably why they put em on there"

How did captain holt know he was the fastest by a full two minutes if everyone else was still working? Someone could have finished like 10 seconds after!

Uhhh what was up with Carol kissing Todd???

Look bro, we could play Rock'em Brock'em robots all night…