Drew P. Weiner

A place called Ricardo's in Las Vegas, circa 2000. I think it was at the MGM. Best goddamned steak I've ever had, bar none. And I discovered fried ice cream there too, God-tier.

If only we could create a time machine and use it to convince Daffy Don Jr's mother to abort her rat-faced fetus.

I still believe the "sooty man" is "the electrician" from the convenience store/Black Lodge scene in The Missing Pieces (possibly Log Lady's deceased husband). Same eyes.

They just can't grasp it. It's not about "not winning", it's not about ideology, it's not a fundamental disagreement about the direction of the country. It's about the depressing fact that a D-list celebrity cretin and sleazy TV game show host is president. And that will forever be on them.

The theme from HBO's "Oz".

"Lust For Life" was an Iggy Pop album. LDR sucks.

Fuck off and die Trumpie.

Asshole. Hopefully he chokes on his potato chips and finally ends this national nightmare.

It sucked, but "Rip And Destroy" did indeed.

Funny how Tony forgets to give Hesh and Beansie the actual DVD too.

Funny how Tony forgets to give Hesh and Beansie the actual DVD too.

Yeah, that was when Paulie was in the can in Youngstown and Chrissy was made acting capo of his crew, I believe, much to Patsy's chagrin.

Yeah, that was when Paulie was in the can in Youngstown and Chrissy was made acting capo of his crew, I believe, much to Patsy's chagrin.

Yes, I thought the exact same thing. Beansie was right, though: Paulie would rather die than rat. Paulie was one of the last guys to still religiously believe in the "code".

Yes, I thought the exact same thing. Beansie was right, though: Paulie would rather die than rat. Paulie was one of the last guys to still religiously believe in the "code".

My take: Patsy never liked Paulie and would have taken him out at the first opportunity. Then he'd be boss and have the last laugh over Tony for clipping his twin brother.

My take: Patsy never liked Paulie and would have taken him out at the first opportunity. Then he'd be boss and have the last laugh over Tony for clipping his twin brother.

The funniest things about the Brokencyde video: They're clearly using their parent's cars, the local girls they enlisted for the video are obviously less-then-thrilled to be in it and, funniest of all, they're all rather pudgy for supposedly "cool" guys.

The funniest things about the Brokencyde video: They're clearly using their parent's cars, the local girls they enlisted for the video are obviously less-then-thrilled to be in it and, funniest of all, they're all rather pudgy for supposedly "cool" guys.

"I wish there was some way to…de-fibrillate him".