
Yes, I am a regular reader of the AV Club. My issue was not with the treatment of Bill Cosby, but with the sense that the writer was essentially snarking at the idea that a return to the "old fashion" idea of a healthy Black family being represented on television was something that was not needed or appreciated.

Sorry, I didn't realize you actually wanted an answer to your "You think TV is a recipe for social repair" quip because I assumed it was sarcasm. No, I don't think it's a cure-all, but yes I think images positive, function black families can do a lot of good.

So we should not show Black children families in which there are doctors and lawyers who are doing well for themselves because it's just too unrealistic an image for them to aspire to?

Even so, that went off the air nearly ten years ago.

I'm pretty sure you meant that sarcastically, so I will say this: if you don't think that people, and especially kids, don't give weight, or form opinions about who they are or who they can be based on the cultural representations of the people who look like them, then you are wrong.

You know what, I'm severely disappointed with the tone of this article. And maybe I am just extra sensitive to this because I am a black woman and the last functional black couple to be at the center of a show was The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (which went off the air almost twenty freaking years ago).