Tommy Tutone

Sorry, but the idea that women are not treated equal in 2017 is preposterous. Women do not earn 70% of what men do, or whatever number they throw around. Even if they did, what someone earns is their own fault and responsibility. If you don't like how much you make and think you're worth more, you have a talk with

KofQ was one of the better sitcoms on in the 90s. I discovered it in reruns while the first runs were still being shown. I was hooked from the start. James was at his peak, showing virtually perfect comic timing and facial expressions. There was ample chemistry with his tv wife (Leah Remini) as well as his male

When they went in the direction of having the Christian rock band actually be bigots, it was a mailed it in scenario for the writers. They were so close to making a point without going to the Christians are intolerant angle. And, those who say that Christians are the most intolerant group out there need to pay

So, should say a Christian baker who believes deeply that homosexuality is wrong, be compelled to bake a cake for a gay wedding? Not baking a cake for someone is not a violation of anyone's rights. The government cannot compel someone to do something that they are fundamentally against. If a gay person walks in

Rally, Mudder? Christians are the "most powerful force of intolerance"? What does this even mean? Christians do not go around berating people, period. They do not blow themselves up in public places, killing innocent civilians, they do not cut the heads off of those who do not agree with them and they do not

Yet, in the end, the "Christian" rockers were bigots, right? Sorry, that's an attack on Christians. I've listened to a lot of Christian rock (from friends who happen to like it) and have yet to hear a song about homosexuality. It's not as big a topic among Christians as what the politically correct world likes to