Jessica Smith

Always assumed it was an It's a Wonderful Life reference, since Jacob is the name of the higher ranking angel that send Clarence on his mission with George. Clarence often talks to Jacob throughout the movie.

That was exactly my question. And how did he know to open them to see what was in them? They just looked like paste tubes. And why were they in the garbage in the first place? So many questions…

That's what I thought, too. It's a slightly cooler take on the Embassy Ball gown.

I would love it, because I fell so much in love with these women, but I don't think they should do it. I worry they'd try to create a new mystery or some terrible drama and it would just ruin the perfect 7 episodes that exist.

Celeste's sleeveless shift on the beach was one of the many things that made me tear up in the finale.

Same! I was hella confused when Mae Whitman finally showed up.

I'm actually wondering if Yael isn't an investigative reporter. When she told… Jaa…son? what's-his-name - Rachel's ex… that she wanted to know everything it seemed to me to be actually significant rather than just a bit of manipulation to get more camera time. And then she stole her keys. I'm thinking she may turn out

It's interesting, isn't it? Because he certainly had no problem trying to get two black contestants last season to fill his "angry black woman" stereotype.

Ja, that's how I felt. It keeps their relationship really complex.

I thought there was an interesting moment after this. The show seems content to always make Malcolm look like an ass, and this scene was no different. Malcolm stands up to the bullies, but then looks to Keatenay for some sort of thanks or approval; Kaetenay gives him none. I think it's a sort of "no one deserves

I found the beat after that really interesting. Where Malcolm lookes at Kaetenay, clearly expecting some sort of thanks or moment of bonding, but none is forthcoming. No cookies for you, Malcolm!

I agree. So far I'm not hating J.Clare this season. If he's more focused on friendship and family than how he deserves a hot woman, we may get along all right.

It drove me crazy that the office was still full of Ben's stuff, when his last scene in the show has him slowly unpacking his little box of office stuff, including his framed articles.

Well, the really weird thing is that the show started out as being set in West Virginia. I was actually in a promo that they did using all WV actors. Not sure at what point in the past couple of months they changed that or why.

"All over the place" is exactly right. One of my favorite weird Peter details is how in the midst of a fight he might suddenly decide that he's a pirate now rather than a lost boy so all the lost boys have to become pirates and the pirates become lost boys. Peter is unstable and rather frightening.

Excellent analysis. One small correction, though. J.M. Barrie wasn't made to dress like his brother; it was something he did once on his own. Gave his mother a terrible fright, apparently, but he said he felt like it was the first time she had looked at him since his brother died.
Barrie's mommy issues are front and

It's Tink who can only have one emotion, not Peter. All fairies are either all good or all bad because they are too tiny to have more than one emotion at a time. That's why she can try to murder Wendy and then turn around and sacrifice herself for Peter. (Agree about the weirdness of American Peter Pan, though. After

Thank you! Paula Abdul is clearly not a huge fan of the show to make that comment.

Especially since, you know, the whole reason they were online was to find Mia. They were specifically looking for someone to upload her code.

Thank you! I've been waiting for someone else to float that theory. Wasn't that the implication last time we saw Rose? That she was going to change her face and come back as a different identity?