daniel harmon

Probably. I didn't sleuth shit, by the way. After Deadspin posted this, his assholeness was brought to the forefront. But even outside of his political beliefs and sports team affiliations, my first point stands: only a fucking asshole chants his own name. This guy isn't happy; He's an attention whore.

1. Fuck this guy for chanting his own name and shit.
2. "Ryan seems like a happy guy in general, to be honest." Some hardcore Trump supporters are!

I care!

"Hank brings Lady Kong in for a successful blood transfusion/heart transplant…"

You do realize that Elmo is just a character right? In a scripted show? Where actual human beings decide stories and characters and themes? Nothing can be "Elmo's fault." But how the character is presented is someone's fault and while I have no issue with someone liking Elmo as a character, one can certainly make the

"Appealing to that core demographic" is absolutely a marketing reason.

"Elmo is kindness personified, but he’s also 3-and-a-half years old and acts his age. "


Does she end up INSIDE the tree?

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FALL "INTO" A HOLLOW TREE? Is that one of the miracles? Because it doesn't seem fucking possible and impossible things that happen are miracles.

You're soooo wrong. D13 is one of the 3 or 4 DCU books in the 15 years that wasn't a pile of shit. So great.

Nonononono. No. Everyone knows that Max Lord's last appearance was at the end of Breakdowns after Dreamslayer was pushed out of his head.

I meant from a look/feel, not necessarily plot-wise.

Descender is giving me such a Moonshadow vibe. SO pumped to get this in a nice hardcover.

The art is generally excellent. Some of Charest's last interior work, then Sean fucking Phillips, then 3.0 has awesome Dustin Nguyen work.

Yes. Casey's run essentially starts with Volume 2 (with Lobdell co-writing), which is a fine jumping on point. It gets "big" in concept towards the end when a certain character dies and another character takes their place. That's when v3.0 starts.

The whole thing started to go downhill post-Millar Authority. But I still don't understand how you can't mine those books for good stories.

Joe Casey's WildC.A.T.s- especially 3.0- is one of the underrated superhero classics of that era. It's crazy to think that that, Ellis' Stormwatch/Authority run (and later the exxxxtreeeeme but still really enjoyable Millar run), Planetary, and Sleeper were all being put out at the same time. Shit was tight back then.


Better, but still a stretch.