
HOLY SHIT. I thought that was Kyle Kinane when I saw him with Patton Oswalt years ago. I couldn't remember who the opening comedian was…and i always thought it might have been him. I love KK now, and am so happy that I've already seen him live!

That one *definitely* took quite a sharp turn though out filming. I was surprised to not see it listed here. But man…it was a good film, but I don't think I could ever watch it again.

That actress is very well known and has been an amazing one for many years. I suggest you watch "Rome" sometime.

I didn't exactly start crying, but my entire body started shaking and my throat closed up pretty tightly. I do wish Pedro Pascal hadn't been *such* an excellent Oberyn, I'm already going to miss that actor.

The Hound also looks at least 10 years older than the new Mountain, and not just because of the scarring. The Hound is supposed to be his little brother.

Poor Ser Jorah Friendzone. :(

Upvoted for one of my favorite lines and for having Spangles as your avatar.

Do you mean "Dangerous Liaisons"? I don't think her character at the end of "Fatal Attraction" had a chance to do much of anything.

I don't know if it's too harsh. I really don't want to be, because I know how horrible it is to feel the way he does. But i would never not respect someone who loved me and who cared for me, even with the faults I dislike in myself.

Honestly, a younger slightly more attractive Seth Rogen is like my ideal dude. I dated a guy for many years who looked like him and I was crazy about him.

Why not? I understand you think you are unattractive (and let's be honest, the way you speak about women makes you sound more unattractive than being bald and hairy), but many women (not girls) date, love and fuck bald, hairy, big guys all the time because they are good men who treat them with love and respect. You,

Seriously! Kenny G over Hendrix or Nirvana? I call bullshit on this.

I don't think it was quite as big an upset as Gretchen vs. Mondo, but I do agree with you. In fact, that was the last regular season of PR I remember watching with anticipation. I've just been watching "All Stars" now, and don't care about regular PR.

I've been watching Top Chef from the beginning, and to be honest, much like Project Runway, I really don't care about the show anymore. This will probably be the last season I follow. It was exceptionally "meh" to me, especially since I didn't have a reason to follow the show, unlike the last two seasons, being from

Christmas Special. Or the last episode of the season. I actually quite enjoyed him on the show.

Is this your first time reading this column? Because you certainly have no idea how Dan would respond to a reversed gender situation. Which is to say, he'd say the same damn thing. Go read some previous columns or just go back to your MRA forums.

I don't know. He may be upset that he wasn't there to witness/explore it, too. Some people are fine with stuff like what NIPPLES did, but some people get super offended/hurt if they aren't part of it.