
If Jimmy had left his revenge in the bar hearing and got on with his life everyone would have been better off. Ah, the unforeseen effects of sticking the boot in a last time when the man was already down. Howard was picking himself up and was heading down the road to recovery then WHAM-O

I should ask the moderator; is it fair to speculate here on possible story lines? It's not creating spoilers. If it's not ok I'll not do it again.

I think Jimmy might be celebrating too early. We never saw Irene speak with anyone other than Jimmy who told her to listen to her heart. Her heart might tell her to call the whole thing off so she can repair the damaged friendships. Maybe the dropping of the suit will come as a bombshell as the best moments in a

I saw a possible story line on another site that sounds plausible; Irene drops the law suit because the money is what has destroyed her friendships.

It's not though. It's by Degas and titled 'Little Dancer Aged Fourteen'. Been around for 130 years or so.

Something maybe slightly more plausible; Jimmy can't be paid his share whilst he is barred. Therefore his immediate money worries go unresolved. In that case he has effectively halved his share despite having to wait 12 months before he sees any of it.

A question for those who understand the law; might there be a technicality the sees Jimmy miss out on his share of the settlement as he is barred from practicing law at the time of the payout whereas if he'd waited until he was practicing again he'd collect?

Kim should be thankful Jimmy didn't return with a set of bagpipes and start riffing on 'It's a Long Way to The Top if You Wanna Rock'n'Roll'.

It's obviously an attempt at SOTW; that's the connection we are expected to make; Slippin' Jimmy on his back playing his old scamming pal's favourite song. It's a nice moment and a treat from the writer's for those who pay attention.

True but Jimmy thinks he's done the right thing and his conscience is clear. Let Rebecca decide her level of support.

I have only been looking at the situation and how Jimmy could have handled it differently to get a better outcome for himself. It would have resulted in more lies on top of lies but that's become the norm with Jimmy.

There was a nobler motive which was ensuring that Chuck wasn't left on his own after the hearing. No matter what transpired the one certainty was that Jimmy would no longer support Chuck with his daily needs. Arranging to have Rebecca present could be seen as the last act of kindness that Jimmy would offer. That is

I think Jimmy did the right thing in having Rebecca in town to lend support to Chuck after what was bound to be a grueling time in the witness box.

All through BB I was rooting for Jessie to make it through the darkness back to the light. With Kim gone I can't see anyone left to grab my heart. Jimmy is becoming a first class prick and everyone else is bad, immoral to be feared not loved. Even Mike will soon head deeper into the darkness. There will have to be a

I just don't see the point (except as click bait) in arguing that one show is better than another. They are both wonderful displays of excellence in all areas of creative film and TV production. From the writers to the actors, from the cinema photographers to the editing it is simply champagne storytelling.

I gave the wrong link to the interview with 'Lydia'. She seems to confirm that this is her only episode this season. The correct link is below

'Lydia' confirms it here:

I can't see them. The church hall though looks like the place where Jessie tried to sell drugs.

I thing the answer is in your comment; Hector is the reason Tuco got so high up. They are both as mad as cut snakes.

I want to know how Ernie is coping with losing his job. I want reassurance that he hasn't had to sell his car and is now getting around on a pushbike. Come on Kim, come on Jimmy, do something to help the young man out of his situation. He was as good a pal as Jimmy had in the last year.