
Boyd has had Raylan's number at least since season 2, when he called him up to arrest/save Dewey after Dewey's oxy heist.

There was a witness who they kidnapped and threatened to murder handcuffed inside

I mean, Boyd can be very selfish but I thought that was mostly arrogance. He does tell him to hit the road because things are getting bad as soon as he gets his phone back.

I think that it was less a betrayal and more Boyd not thinking things though (which is unusual for him). He was pretty sure his file was bullshit, he was just covering his bases- what he actually wanted to was to sic Raylan on Daryl and ideally also the Mexican cartel

Yeah, there are all sorts of ethical issues associated with trying minors as adults and what constitutes a good reason to do so. One of the few things most people agree on is that "I really hate his uncle and need to manipulate his mother" is not one of those reasons.

I think he's tired and feeling like if she's done with him then he's done with her. I'm actually upset about this, I loved them together and I don't think she'll be able to get over this kind of betrayal.

Yeah, it would be interesting to see Raylan lose his job or at least be suspended long term for the sixth season. I'm not sure they'll go there, but it would provide a good basis for a team up, as he'd be lacking the Marshals' resources.

Oh my god though, Boyd and Ava. The look on her face! That was the worst look.