Upholstered Gun

I love the angels…they are like rosencrantz and guilderstern from the tom stoppard play or the characters from waiting for godot. I see the whole arc as some comedic tragic existential quest. Agreed, some elements of the plot seem bat sh*t crazy, but I think it is building to a logical conclusion. I love the

I had misgivings about buying tickets to see Planetarium live at the Fox in Oakland….as I found the record a bit tedious especially some of the autotune vocals. BUT, the light and video show, plus a scaled down set list really nailed it. I thoroughly enjoyed the musicianship, the banter Sufjan and Nico kept up, the

And in the background afterwards you can see him out of focus spitting the cap onto a table……

That scene in the gym where they were throwing themselves into the brick wall over and over in the background was pure comic brillance

I read a study awhile back that straight and gay women are aroused by breasts…it makes sense Carmen would stare, regardless of her orientation.

However, if she and Jimmy hadn't publicly shamed chuck, he might still be lingering in his electromagnetic malaise. Chuck needed a push to get well. Everyone around him was enabling his continued mental deception. So perhaps what they did, though not exactly noble, did serve a greater purpose. Sometimes you need to

Yes, Michael McKean acted the hell out of that scene. He has great range.

Yes, he has a soft heart like his dad. A shrewd business person would downsize office space, fire staff and minimize overhead. But he liked the receptionist and wanted to save face with kim, so he stayed with the status quo.
Similar to his Dad in business. He couldn't recognize he was letting the business slowly

Or a president trump….

She said she felt "as if" she had been raped, not that she literally was raped.

I'm a 50 plus white woman and even I know sade.

What about the "surprise" shower scene with Harry? Extremely well acted and excellent insight into how fleabag's mind works….but it made me like her less. Her relationship with Harry made her look like a complete douchebag.

Agreed, the scene with the bank loan officer almost made me cry. So poignant and spot on. Rarely does television evoke such a response in me. Amazing writing.

I think you misunderstood me. Past commenters suggested Jimmy ended up in Omaha to hopefully run into kim again once she returned to the midwest. But Jimmy did not choose omaha, the fixer chose it for him coincidentally. I grew up in omaha, and believe me, unless your parents were aging poorly and needed help,

In the penultimate BB scene, the vacuum sales/ fixer guy revealed Saul new identity as Gene from Omaha. So that was a coincidence Gene was near Kims hometown.

But the twins were with with Hector episodes ago in the ice cream shop meet up with Mike. They were already acting as Hector muscle.

John Teti, you made an interesting observation about the geometries of the architecture of HHM and the once dentist office, saying it felt like the dental entry arch was shabbier than the arc of the driveway at HHM, which contrasted with bright interior . I saw it the opposite, I thought the exterior of the dental

I think there is also an element of institutional sexism at play here too. If Chuck had a shady sister and Kim was now a Ken, I think it would be harder for Howard to punish him. It still is an old boys club at HHM.