Jackmerius Tacktheritrix

It seems almost pointed that Addison Timlin in "Little Sister" is not included here.

Man I thought this was more than a B+. I watched that last scene with them trying to prevent Pashacide through my hands as if it were the Red Wedding. This show is miraculous.


RIP Review :(

Skyrim was actually the first (and only) RPG I played. Based on what I've read about other RPGs, I was under the impression Skyrim's leveling system was less "dumbed down" than sort of opened up, to where you didn't necessarily have to pick a really specific class/type in the beginning and then be stuck with it. And

I agree about those relatively superficial "human traits" replacing what was, in the books, Alice and Julia both becoming essentially inhuman. And, to be honest, I was kind of looking forward to seeing TV Julia start speaking in the affected (yet not-affected), 19th century/fantasy nerd English that Book Julia does

The Avengers- the 1998 Sean Connery fuck-tastrophe, not the Marvel one. That was the first time in my life I ever thought, "How did this get made?". All I remember from it is a scene with him and the other villains dressed up in plushy costumes? I think that's when I walked out.

But can she do a Boston accent? I swear I've never heard a person not actually from there do it without sounding ridiculous. What people don't seem to realize about northeastern US and similar accents is that it's not just about not saying your "r"s. One of the other main features of a Boston accent is the way vowels

Oh it definitely was. I'm just wondering if there was more than one version of what was broadcast, or if everyone saw the same nighttime version I did.

Super Breakout astronaut = Ed Harris

Maybe they decided at some point they wanted that scene to take place at night?

Did I somehow see a different version of this episode from the one pictured above? In the one I watched, Quentin and Penny's meeting with the white lady took place at night…

D'oh. In missing that joke, I come across almost as humorless as an Objectivist hahahaha… This is getting too meta for me now, but I will say this: as a sheltered youth, it really bummed me out the way the people seemed to dismiss other people as "assholes" who could then be written off. I'm not even trying to

I mean: "you didn't capitalize 'God.' Therefore you are obviously a liberal atheist, which means I can safely dismiss every word that comes out of your mouth." That mindset/phenomenon, in my experience, seems to be far more widespread now than it ever was before. In a very real way, there are no longer any common

"If we’re still debating this immigration ban and the loss of vital
climate control provisions and god knows what else at Oscar time, we
have way more important things to worry about than Best Supporting Actor"

Barney Miller has maybe the best theme song of any TV show ever. One of the downsides of the amazing cornucopia of television shows we have now is that a lot of them really skimp on theme songs.

Jimmy's made a huge mistake.

Has Leslie Jones memorized a single line since she's been on SNL? Sometimes she's funny just through the sheer oddness of her delivery and general mien, but it's far outweighed by the distracting stiltedness of her constant cue card-reading.

Have a listen to the strings on "Histoire de Melody Nelson" by Serge Gainsbourg to see where the "Sea Change" strings came from….

I would like to recommend Weathering by Lucy Wood, which came out earlier this year. Beautiful, strange, and sad little book. Definitely not the de rigueur malaise you describe.