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    S R

    …I like it! Direct,simple, VERY much to the point!

    As stated by the author of this article,'"The Fly" accomplishes almost nothing in moving the plot forward. But what a journey to get there.'…I googled this episode halfway thru it,as I was sincerely hoping to find something that would explain my ennui with the ridiculous tedium and hair-pulling frustration with the

    Not for nothing, but all the 'Part 23'/season 2 finale with endless angst/posturing by Marco Diaz equals only one thing to a red blooded hetero female…complete LACK of assets elsewhere…quite glad storywise and otherwise that the perennially incompetent whining Kevin finally snapped for a purpose…ill-advised though it

    Yes, but, Mars, having BEEN there myself, in South Florida, alone in my 30s/early 40s with TWO young sons, one of whom was severely disabled, I didn't have a business of my own or ANY high powered career and managed to keep my two sons WELL cared for, in leased HOUSES, very nice clothes, great schools, WELL fed,

    No duh, as stupid/incompetent as Kevin is even breathing, thought even in a panic, he'd be bright enough to try to wipe prints off of that statue he used on Marco, but, noo-oooooo…:)!⚜

    True dat, 'Classic'… Short scene with Nolan and Diana( of ALL people)!, TOtally turned Nolan around for everybody!

    Good on YOU, 'Stosh'!

    THAT was a great scene!
