
The Force is strong with this one.

It's just 2-3 episodes a week. Not really enough to slow down his writing of The Winds of Winter.

Those things you are talking about last little more than a few paragraphs. Besides, as you should have noticed, such moments were common also in the three first books. It's called character and world building.

I actually enjoy the long meal descriptions. They just send your head spinning, it's great. They perfectly depict the madness of medieval banquets.
Of course, there is no demying the weak bladders, Tyrion's especially.
Although it is the weakest of the gang, I agree that book 4 is far from uninteresting. The depht of

I think the new Targ was planned early on; Martin stated many times he knew how it all ended, so it's hard to imagine this being improvisation.
To put things into perspective, book 1-3 were originally planned to the first tome of a trilogy. This could very well just be the infamous middle book syndrome, and I do think

He is at the very end, and I must say that his chapters are much more engaging than Dany's. Great character.

I liked the appearance of the new Targ. 'Griff' is building into a great character, and their story certainly moves faster than Dany's.
Dany's story had great stuff, but stagnated until the last third of the book. It's strong final chapter leads me to hope she gained back her momentum. I think the whole story will

Actually, judging the way things look for the next book, it might be he reached the right castle after all.

I don't think it would have worked that way. The first three books would never have stuck in one. Also, book five clearly moves the narrative forward.

Continue reading. The show is great, but the books are even better in my opinion.