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    Pornstache is 95% played for laughs. I don't find anything funny about him. He's a man who is attracted to preying on vulnerable women he has control over. Bennett's in the same damn boat.

    Thank you, Myles!

    Finally this show grapples with sexualized violence against the incarcerated from their guards in a way that does not trivialize the reality of how bad it truly is. It wasn't a joke this time and I wonder what encouraged them to think about this differently. Women in prison experience sexualized violence from guards

    I immediately thought of the BSG finale. I hated the last five minutes of this finale almost as much as I hated the last five minutes of the BSG one. And like with BSG, I'll just pretend it didn't happen and love the rest of it.

    Why did the show have to make everyone happy (at least temporarily), but Betty has to die miserable and reverting to old habits of isolation and misery? This show has used Betty as a punching bag for years and willfully made her unsympathetic and now to infuse some sympathy in her, they have to kill her? UGHHHHHHH.

    Joan not fighting is so realistic but also so disheartening. How many women can actually deal with having so many things systematically stacked against them being seen as fully human in the workplace and elsewhere? Something I also noticed was when Joan leaves, defeated, Peggy comes in triumphantly and sees this as

    But then he kissed her right on the mouth! *Shivers*

    Any time Petyr is talking to any woman alone my skin is crawling.

    Thanks for this! I misinterpreted all those scenes back in Bay Ridge as her being tortured by seeing her actual son being raised by her family. But the sight of the child was actually similar to what we saw today. Just reminders.

    I went down pretty far and I didn't see anyone comment on this, but Peggy does know where her son is and she was lying to Stan during the scene (well maybe partially since she is estranged). She was being very open with Stan, but not open about that.

    I thought Joan went to college and that is where she met Carol. Did she never finish? I always thought Joan having a degree was a source of pride and superiority for her.

    I see that a million other people below have already said this in the comments: BUT SALLY BETTER BE IN EVERY OTHER EPISODE THIS SEASON. If we all write it enough, it will happen.

    (MILD BOOK SPOILERS) The relationship between Geillis and Claire and Geillis' speech surpassed the book by miles. I LOVED IT. Geillis sacrificing herself for her friend!!! AHHHHH. I know this might be controversial, but I much prefer that Geillis is morally ambiguous and sympathetic in the TV series, states which


    This show has NEVER done anything crueler to me than fool me into thinking that Rachel was going to actually make a substantial reappearance.

    Yeah, the point is that he uses this euphemism because, blinkered by his historical context, he cannot conceive that he could rape his wife. But then Claire has to remind him what it is. In the book he does, nevertheless, vitiate her consent constantly and so as not to repeat myself, in my comment above, I write about

    Yeah, it seems they are at least not going there with the series because the make-up scene used the imagery and diction of the part of the book we're talking about without the romanticization of rape (but that is not to say what they did with the beating was THAT much better). The very, very end of the first book has

    He is wildly and exponentially more sympathetic in the TV series than in the books. One thing I really did like yesterday in comparison to the book is that in the TV series when they were fighting right after he saves her and he calls her a very misogynistic name, he realizes he went way too far and that he was just


    With this rewatch, I know exactly what's happening, but I still feel scared and anxious about plot points. I knew I was going to see Adama splayed in CIC with blood everywhere. I knew it was coming, but I still screamed when Boomer did it. I watched BSG live with friends from college my freshman year and we screamed