Hat of Raylan Givens

That's actually something I am looking forward to. This idea of not reloading saves when I make a less than stellar performance, and just owning up to my mistakes as part of roleplaying the character. I will aim to be as stealthy, patient and graceful as possible, but when I get spotted I won't be restarting the

That's good to know. Perhaps the thing that soured me on this aspect was GROUND ZEROES, as I felt the lack of proper, extensive tutorial and the way the game just throws you into this mini sandbox, was a bit intimidating at first. MGS games were always filled with wonderfully imagitive details in their gameplay

When I read about the sheer scope and depth of gameplay mechanics in PHANTOM PAIN and all it's various Kojima-style quirks, I am almost intimidated by the prospect of playing it. I think I've grown too fat and spoiled playing simplistic AAA blockbusters over the last decade.