Chris Johnson

I'm Sooooooo glad that Bob showed kindness to Jimmy Pesto. That really earned him big time, didn't it. Jimmy was full-dick in this episode, and he *really* needs to be taken down a peg. It's starting to stop being a hiliariously petty rivalry, and start being really mean-spirited.

I dunno, the GamerGate outrage has lasted for over a year at this point. Those idiots are *still* crying about their videogames being invaded.

Louise at her most selfish here. She's a straight-up sociopath in this episode. At least until the end. I'm starting to get really unhappy with the fact that Bob is entirely incapable of even the most basic of victories. Seriously, he can't even have a plot in a garden without getting his shit ruined?

Oh look, louise is being a sociopath again. Fun.

Sure, if that's the term you want to use. The point is, go back through most of the episodes and there is a lot of "woe is me, I'm smart and unpopular and have a jaded view of the world" angst going on behind the sardonic quips (Not to imply that a bad thing, of course.)

Comedy-drama? Absolutely, yes. As someone who has marathonned the whole series plus the two movies several times: it's about 60% jokes, 40% Teen angst.

I suppose superficially King of the Hill is comparable to Bob's Burgers; Both are slice-of-life shows about a straight man and his wacky family.

It's entirely possible. if it was an EXTREMELY gradual change, then I suppose it could work. But the original idea was them aging in "real-time", which, at 24 episodes a year, doesn't leave them much room unless they create an overarching meta-plot, which I honestly feel wouldn't work with the show as it is now.

I don't see it working, honestly. Tina grown up MAY be the same awkward person she is now, but Gene and Louise in their teens WON'T be the same kids they are now. If they were, it would just DESTROY any character they may have had. Can you imagine a completely sociopathic 15 year old louise? Or a teenage gene who is

Yeah, after last week's episode he's quickly becoming my least favourite character. He needs to have an episode (or a b-plot) soon to bring him down a peg. Something along the lines of the plot from Spaghetti Western and Meatballs.

I like how abruptly they brushed off the "Dad, are you actually gay after all these years?!"

Yeah, but How to Train Your Dragon is a movie series, at most a trilogy with a few one-off shorts. A TV show is a lot harder to pull off, and frankly, do you WANT to see characters like Tina in their late-teens? (She'd be 18 now).

This is EXACTLY the opposite of last week's episode, and I LOVED it. I think when the show focuses on Bob and less on the kids, it works a whole lot better. Except for a few episodes that don't involve the restaurant, the kids work better as a b-plot than driving the main plot.

Mouth feel is the difference between silky smooth ice cream and a bowl of frozen milk.

It just rubbed me the wrong way. I think the inclusion of that jerk TV host was the first straw, and Gene and Louise at their most obnoxious was the last.

As opposed to "This funny cartoon is so deep, oh man, I derive all my major philosophies from it."

Slice-of-life comedy FLAVOURED animation shows.

This episode just pissed me right the fuck off.

I can't be the only one who loves the Bob's Burgers Thanksgiving tradition: Bob getting drunk and/or high and talking to inanimate objects.