Dude Love

I agree up to a point about Michonne. He had Herschel and that *should* have been enough to show Rick good faith (at that point I don't think Rick would have wondered about Michonne). I suppose two scenarios could be that he couldn't torture Michonne back at the camp (though he did manage to murder 2 people there)

Financing a bombing is nothing with regard to knowing the security details within Iran. Yes, they could have drug Javadi through the streets and courts and have everyone laud the CIA's success (though you could likely suggest that Javadi wouldn't have been paraded around because you don't want to spark an

I would agree, but why wouldn't the Governor have had more a grudge with Michonne? He tells Herschel it's just business, not personal, but it was personal. So why wouldn't have the Gov tortured Michonne almost immediately after capturing her? Seems like the writers had the Gov at odds with himself.