Stephen C.

Bill's an OK companion. I don't dislike her, but she just doesn't engage me much, either. Nardole, on the other hand, is a riot, and makes a good foil to the Doctor. I definitely do prefer a 3 person crew, I think. Having a Rory, Captain Jack, or even Mickey the Idiot on board was always an improvement to the show's

I was/am a fan of Ten, rather disliked Eleven, and quite enjoy Twelve. Capaldi is an excellent actor; I prefer Tennant as 10, but enjoy Capaldi's 12 almost as much. Eccleston as Nine was darn good too.

Maybe the points aren't good deeds - maybe they're bad deeds, and that's why Eleanor ranks so high? Eleanor would certainly have been more likely to do awful things than Tahani.

I just reviewed the episode descriptions on Wikipedia. Joe (Ray's character) had all of 2 relationships, not counting his ex-wife (who was dating someone else a year before they split). Terry (Bakula) had that coffee shop girl and took a while to even date someone in his age bracket. And the guys hardly came off as

I thought Scott Bakula was the playboy in that show. Ray didn't get around all that much in it, did he?