^^^ YES! YES! YES! ^^^
^^^ YES! YES! YES! ^^^
Mine too! I've liked her form the beginning, but until now she has been mostly 'good guy sidekick comic relief.' This week her character evolved into something not only heartwarming, but real and super meaningful.
If they stay with Peter and the Wolf, then Gloria and Emmit will team up and ultimately prevail, and Varga will be caught but not killed. Nikki's character (sadly) would be relegated to the sidelines having no significant part in the final outcome.
I would argue that she HAS been shifted into the main focus. Even though she's had relatively little screen time, she has become the most principal character by far.
Yeah. I was disappointed by that. Seemed out of character for him. Thus far he has been completely emotionless, focusing entirely on handling his business. What was the point of the smirk? Just being a dick for the sake of being a dick? it was the only part of the episode that I found didn't really fit.
^^^ This. ^^^
OMG yes! When I saw them working together after the time jump, I was leaping off the sofa screaming in delight. Nikki has been my favorite character this season since she first appeared on the screen in Episode 1. And, I just KNEW they would bring back Mr. Wrench again at some point after things were left open in the…