
Ugh, no. This was awful. Episodes like "Blink" and "Midnight" get As. This should have gotten no higher than whatever you'd give "Smile."
Bill has no personality and is difficult to watch. Twelve is technically good but doesn't stick out. The plot was ridiculous, the elements were actually all stolen from the

Yes, exactly! I feel like he can't really wrap his head around the fact that the main character doesn't have to be the most interesting. In the ACD canon, Holmes and Watson sometimes faded away next to the crazy cases- but it was still amazing. In ASiP, they pulled it off- but they've been mostly unable to since then.

Yep. The epilogue was obviously terrible, but to me the bigger problem was that it made me regret what the series could've actually been- bros solving cases.

Looking out for canon references has been the only thing holding me together through this hot mess of a series. They continue to do that remarkably well, though last week was an embarrassment of riches.

If you look at old reviews of prior series, this site never liked the show.
I don't think it's necessarily D+ material, though I can see the reasoning, but definitely nothing above a C.

The episode was just WTF.
The ending (not the abysmal resolution, the ending sequence) made me feel cheated out of the series of Sherlock and John actually SOLVING CRIMES that we could've gotten instead of this Eurus nonsense.

So sue me, I enjoyed this movie. And I didn't even like the Harry Potter movies (besides the first one because the kids were adorable).
I mean, Newt wasn't so much a character as a plot device, and he was essentially a ginger freckled Matt Smith at Doctor Who's most gooey, and it sometimes felt like the only real

While I haven't really watched the show yet (just trailers and promo clips) that's one of the reasons that I'm not sure I plan to. It seems like an ok show, just not Dirk Gently. The 2010 one had two great episodes (though admittedly also two pretty bad ones) which WERE Dirk Gently. There was Dirk, and Richard, and

Hang on.
They were just like, "he commanded the physical abuse of innocent Muslim citizens, which is bad, and if I were to prematurely accuse a known Muslim terrorist organization of a massive terror attack for which there is a LOT of evidence of connection it would be just as bad"? That's insane. That's actually just

I'm not sure I've ever been more excited for a new romcom in my life.
…I take it back, I'm not sure I've ever been excited for a new romcom ever.
But I sure am now.

I'm an Orthodox Jew, and I LOVE Small Gods partially for that reason- not that I have any more "true faith" than anyone else, but I have seen a lot of craziness among people who condone horrible things in the name of God.
Happens to be, a friend of mine's dad is a well respected Orthodox rabbi who's known as somewhat

I don't know- I first read it as a teen, but I'm actually just as religious now as I was when I started (which is actually pretty darn religious, on a scale of one to ten).
I just think it's a good book.

Disagree. If I'd've started with them, I'd never have finished, and I'd never have made it to his better stuff. I found the Tiffany books boring (and I was a teen when I read them, which I think was his target audience).

I would have liked Monstrous Regiment if they hadn't pushed it a bit too far. Without spoilers, I'd say that certain characters should have… actually been as they seemed, shall we say. I feel like he crossed the line three times and ended up back in the weird zone.

Am I the only person who really likes Moving Pictures? Maybe because I'm just a huge fan of early films and love all the puns and references. But I thought it was great. (Pyramids you can definitely take or leave.)
I actually can't stand the Rincewind books, and especially the character. Annoys the heck out of me. I

Yep. The alien stuff is from City of Death, the characters are from Shada, IIRC.
It's funny, I got to Dirk Gently from Hitchhiker's Guide, my friend got there from Doctor Who, and I loved it and she didn't (though she didn't like the Guide either). I guess she prefers her Adams on the small screen…
(By the way, the

Definitely. But you'd think that with how low budget it was it would be able to stick around, but no, it had to be axed so they could air crappy American shows.

Likewise about Stephen Mangan (this was actually the first thing I ever saw him acting in- mostly I see him in panel shows and The Last Leg in Rio and stuff). I actually loved the first two episodes, not so much the third and I couldn't even finish the fourth. But the first two were good enough that I kind of erased