
Enjoyed the show as always, but not sure I totally agree. Haven't seen the movies you are specifically talking about but when it comes to the original Bourne trilogy, I think those are some great thriller/action movies. When you argue that they aren't the thinking man's Bond I think you are giving Bond way too much

Exactly the same, of all the moments that kill in that perfect last ten minutes, its David looking at ghost Keith that gets me every single time.

I agree with Alex about Into Darkness, far from a great movie but take away the shenanigans regarding Abrams and Lindelof saying that Cumberbatch wasn't playing Khan and what you essentially have is a Star Trek movie that suffers from the same problems as most other star trek movies. I also understand the problems

Its always difficult to avoid making to many inaccurate generalizations, but with a few exceptions American sitcoms are often about funny people were as British sitcoms are often about people you solely laugh at. There are a couple of characters in British sitcoms who had a great one liner in every situation

Relatively strong list, off the top of my head I would have like to have seen Midnight In Paris on there, for me its not so much just another Woody Allen film as the perfect distillation of all of his other movies. I also really loved both The Guard and Calvary and they would have probably been pushing my top 10.

Wow who thought Rich Cohen would write something worse than Vinyl this year, really out-doing himself there.

Yeah season two is mostly great TV until the show sort of jumps the shark by having Lila kill Doakes rather than Dexter. 3 is standard but certainly has its moments and 4 is really elevated by Lithgow's brilliant performance and a great end. 5 and 7 both start well but the less said about the second half of the show

Pretty sure that is about when Lynch's involvement diminished massively explaining the very lackluster and crappy final run-in. Plus the first season is 7 episodes long and the second is 22, so I guess it was kind of inevitable that the show was going to run out of plot pretty quick. Still like the finale though.

Dexter after season 1 (seasons 2-4 are still good to great but 1 is this perfectly self-realized arc and it doesn't need anything after that), HIMYM when Ted and the Mom actually meet at the train station in the finale. Twin Peaks has a great finale but I would potentially stop after the killer is revealed, to name

Game of Thrones S6 Ep10 The Winds of Winter Review:
On Game of Thrones the future is now.

Great analysis as always.

Game of Thrones S6 Ep9 The Battle of The Bastards Review:
When a few weeks ago HBO announced the title of GOT’s remaining episodes The Battle of the Bastards drew all the attention and the hype that has built-up since then has been huge, probably bigger than any episode of television. So the question is does The Battle

I quite liked the "joke" scene. I mean it was too long but it says something about where Tyrion is now that Varys has left. Like a lot of Tyrion scenes in the last couple of seasons it plods along and is then punctuated by some hint of conflict, but even if I'd like Dinklage to have some more heavy dramatic stuff to

Game of Thrones S6 Ep8 No One Review:
Season 6 is increasingly showing how Game of Thrones is really a show about a group of people not seeing the bigger picture, about how these men and women continue to fight other women and men when they should put their petty feuds aside and unite against the greater threats of

The Americans S4 Ep12 A Roy Rogers in Franconia Review:
The Americans captures this real sense of existential dread that I think only the likes of Breaking Bad, The Sopranos and Mad Men can really compete with. This cloud of dread that not only hangs over the show but every character within it makes the show and its

Really good piece and totally agree with the ranking. Both First Class and X-Men prosper for not turning things up to 11 (something that superhero sequels and ensemble movies tend to do).

Game of Thrones S6 Ep6 Blood of my Blood:

An excellent piece (so much so that it almost talked me into liking TWD which hasn't worked for me since its pilot) but I would make a couple of caveats:

The Americans S4 Ep11 Dinner For Seven Review:

Bender is such an accomplished TV director and the inter-cutting between the past and present, in that last scene, couldn't help but make me think of the Lost episode The Constant which he also directed and which is one of the best hours of TV ever. Having said that it is striking just how standard and boring GOT's