
Mac and cheese with ketchup is such a Canadian staple that the Kids in the Hall could write a sketch about it without fear of needing an explanation.

Because it's Friday.

"More importantly, the image gives very little indication what the movie could possibly be about, and the title is similarly unhelpful. The only way to find out what it means is to watch the film itself."

I don't romanticize my childhood memories - and have little patience for those who do - but this was always going to be a tricky one to pull off.

An occasional customer brought 30 books into my store to sell, and 19 were frikkin' self-help books. I told him I don't sell those, and offered to buy the others.

Possibly the best theatre experience I've ever had was watching 'Marat/Sade' at William Head prison. Great play, and a good amateur performance, but the setting made it incredible.

Anything that is a transaction can be made into a business. Telling stories, for instance.

I say this because when I 'fangirl out' - as I am occasionally wont to do - people think it is somehow a failing of my masculinity.

As a 44-year old male business owner and Official Grown-Up, I will say this: SQUEEEEEE!!!!

I sold those for one month. I quit the day after I made my first sale because I felt so awful about it.

Nope - the insurance companies and VERY MUCH the IRS are only allowed to use that information for their own purposes. Those are no more 'public domain' than your health records.

Why are birthdays “basic facts that live in the public domain.” exactly? Who the heck benefits from knowing?

Also an option!

I do have an opinion on abortion because, well, I exist and have thought about it; but yeah, it's pretty much overridden by the _other_ thought that it's personal.

My favourite recurring theme so far has been "Well, Hillary is pretty much like a Republican, now…"

Middle-class Scottish family gatherings should do it for ya.

People who don't think about who handles their food deserve all that might result.

I'm going through Darkest Dungeon - an early release I decided to buy about a year ago because it looked so gorgeous. The thick-line art and solid voice work from the narrator sold it then, and the more complex gameplay it eventually developed made it easy enough for me to survive: if you run out of money, you're

Too many spoons, not enough knives!

Fair enough. But I will contend that 90% of films clocking in over 2 hours could have 50% of them removed to no noticeable effect.