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    "Temple of Doom is a messy collection of some great ideas, a couple bad ideas, and several brilliant setpieces."

    it's not a debate, i just felt like sticking up for it. was expecting the crapping on temple the minute this news came out today.

    hes better than bradley cooper any day

    Crusade is so overrated with fans. Temple so fucking underrated..

    I wish it did better, it wasnt really his fault that it didnt.

    where are all these Indy screenings happening, I keep hearing people mentioning them, lucky ducks

    do people even see that edginess though? from what i see most ppl think of Indiana as a sort of boring straight-faced stock hero. But Ford always played him sort of shady (well until the 4th one), which was one of the best parts of the whole thing.

    not even close to any kind of margin. it's much better in many many ways than Raiders Lite, ie Crusade.

    that's… not how i read their statement.

    that argument isn't even accurate. the prequels ARENT different, theyre just a schlockier-looking version of everything already seen in the originals.

    Lol "rather well known"?? this is the first time I hear someone climb a horse as high as the one you're on. Oingo Boingo were satire, are you seriously saying the "hey little girl wont you come this way" lyric is something you took seriously? Unfuckingbelievable..

    use that dismissiveness on yourself next time you feel like starting a social warrior topic.

    yep, as soon as she doesnt need to be saved she is not needed (temple and crusade).

    Nostalgia Critic is a bandwagon riding dumbass who never has an original thought.

    she is nowhere near crucial.

    Temple of Doom is one of the best movies ever made.

    ah yes. on the internet, people are either outraged and expected to "disown" things immediately, or have to love every single aspect of something in order to stand behind it. no middle ground whatsoever. there is no reason your rant should ruin anyone's day and yet here we are.

    theyve done this thing 3 times now. each time it was this. and not Great Performances.

    >>>>Emma Watkins

    Maybe it requires a rewatch. Next to what came later in the overrated 90s, 101 Dalmatians is one of Disneys absolute greatest.