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    definitely not the prequels.

    Those who belittle 3PO also seem to entirely miss the comedy he brings to the OT. Especially the numbskulls who compare him to Jar Jar.

    he can afford a cable bill, thats nice. not sure what else to do with that information.


    Midnight Run also has lots of guitar riffing.

    are you thinking of arranging and not orchestrating? because he specifically said he wrote all arrangements.

    a lot of composers dont orchestrate themselves.

    imagine any of the songs on their first 3 albums sung by a 63 year old…

    Whether Brian came back or not was a 50/50 imo. The case for him coming back made perfect sense, but it's not like shows don't fuck up, make bad decisions, and disappoint constantly either, so that would have been believable too.

    You seem like a great guy, let's follow your advice..

    Cant handle someone disagreeing with the mob without calling them a troll?

    I have no idea what the AD love affair is about either. Steve sucks, and Stan gets old, Francine is a non-character and Roger is starting to grate. I just think the collective internet consciousness needs to bitch about FG now and have desperately latched onto AD, but theres nothing there.

    or at least happen earlier so that more time passes till christmas, maybe?

    it wasnt even that half assed compared to some (overpraised) shows.

    Youre dismissive and that's cool, especially since I'd dismiss the hell out of the 3rd and 5th season of BB that everyone here jizzes over, but actually, MITM as a show got pretty serious and/or poignant quite often, and he was readily realistic in those moments as a father. He caught my attention as Hal, so that I