
Don't quote Miss Alyssa while commenting that anything related to season 9 is entertainting. No pit crew, curtailed runways and challenge performances, so much bad skin!, basic bitch garden variety insults instead of snappy effective burns and one-liners, these bitches take booger queen to a whole new low. Are they

Fully entertained? Lemme guess - double digit IQ and legally blind, right? Knew it! Seriously, wtf with you drag noobs? Its like you're all a pile of particularly odious dingleberries that dropped off miley cyrus's permanently filthy butt crack.

The show is officially in the toilet now. It started with season 7 - at least there were still queens like Violet and Katya - but now nothing but turd queens with bad skin, boring personalities and minimal talent. Seasons 4-6 represented the peak of RPDR. Nothing but downhill since.