Tiger Mom

Oh I forgot about that. Well then why was Laurel withholding that little tidbit and only decided to reveal after Bonnie told her to?

Renee is a jealous hateful oversexed b! I wouldn't be surprised if she and Meggie were somehow related and are in cahoots together!


But that still doesn't explain why Laurel would kill Wes. What was her motive, no matter whose baby it is?

Oh I like Asher…why the shade?

But why would she kill Wes? She had no reason to…she loved him…

She didn't. Bonnie got her to lie…

Wow…you're good! I forgot about the flyer kid. But what is his angle? What? Pissed off that he wasn't apart of the K5?

No..she really did love Wes…she even told Frank

You're right! I forgot Nate went to the house! OMG! Darn u, Peter Norwalk!

I'm telling u…don't sleep on Meggie(jealous of Wes and Laurel's relationship) or Connor (hatred for Wes)or Sam's sister(hatred for Annalise)or even the Mahoney family…remember Wes lied under oath that he saw the Mahoney son come out of some building. The suspense is driving me insane! This is my favorite show, hands

Why would Nate?

Why would she? She genuinely loved Wes…

Laurel hasn't killed anybody …yet!

Good analogy! Either Sam's sister….Connor….or Meggie…

Or maybe Connor? He hated Wes and blamed him for everything that has happened so far. He even threatened to kill him once…

Maybe Sam's sister killed Wes and burned the house down? U killed my brother who I loved so now I'm going to kill someone u loved. Remember Annalise called her in a drunken stupor and told her to come get the house…makes u think?

Bonnie didn't kill Lila……it was Rebecca