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    Luke Harper is surprisingly good. I say surprising because the look he's got right now is horrible. The greasy hair, the bald spot, that he looks like he smells bad… it's an ok look as a redneck bodyguard lower mid card, but, doesn't translate as someone I believe WWE is going to put the belt on.

    Sorry about the paragraph breaks. I thought I'd added them. Here's where I think the ACA has caused massive cost increases… drug companies and insurance companies are raising the cost of previously affordable, critical items, on the middle class, so that they can give the free handouts required of them by

    The truth is, sadly, Obama was elected to "get the troops out of Iraq" and it's a great bonus that he got Bin Laden. Obama started with a friendly congress, but the people did not want Obamacare, so elected a congress to block. Obama did an end around and essentially pushed through a broken Obamacare by executive

    If you go back and watch one of the great episodes from Seasons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or even 8… and watch a new episode back-to-back. The biggest difference I've noticed is the timing used to be good, and now it's not.

    While Trump definitely is the worst candidate I've seen in my lifetime, and probably my parent's lifetime… and Hillary is absolutely the better candidate of the two… can we illustrate the problem thusly?

    It's interesting that many/most of the reviewers on the A.V. Club really make an effort to try to look for empowerment of women and feminism and such, but miss glaring problems like… Rachel and Quinn are not strong women. If they were men, they'd be viewed as weak and very unflattering.

    Herbert Sobel tried to kill himself in the 60s but failed and the bullet went through both temples and blinded him. When he died in the 80s they didn't hold a funeral service. Wikipedia has since been updated but nobody apparently attended Sobel's funeral.
    Most guys who served would have dozens of fellow soldiers