
Gemma is not merely unrootable, but anti-rootable. She is so anti-root that I think she should be given a root canal.

"Annette Benning?"

Remind me, who were some of the more promising suspects?

It's all too familiar to me. Being my first name. I'm a guy, by the way.

The second episode opens with a wizened, bearded Nucky driving up to a diner, meeting with an arms dealer, and buying a car with two Tommy Guns in the trunk.

Now you're just brown nosing XD

i think Jay See is a card carrying member of THE STAKES ARE TOO DAMN HIGH party.


Looking forward to Tyrion vs. Tywin:

do you see?

If someone told Mason to fuck himself, would he call that an insult or merely a high estimate of his athleticism?

NBC Execs: Woah Community fans! Hey! Settle down. Settle down!
Hey, Remember!

Hahaha that would happen on a Bryan Fuller show.

Lol ockham's razor caused me to throw out the first 3 words it looks like.

Or she could be…you know…bi?

When was this?

The AV Club

I'm sorry, I seem to have burst out in uncontrollable laughter AND thrown up in my mouth at the same time. That might as well be the punchline of everything.

That was a "The Shield" reference.

No you're right about that.