Simon Woods

Do we admire the balls on WWE here? JBL is bringing WWE all kinds of bad publicity, and making a mockery of their Be A Star anti-bullying campaign, and instead of, at the very least, pulling him off TV until the heat dies down, they double down and put him on Talking Smack and give him more of a presence? It's a

If you recall, though, they put the main event on first because there was a presidential debate that night and they were afraid people would turn the channel. The main event was still Styles/Ambrose/Cena, it just went on first.

To be fair to Justified, though, it did depict Lexington as an oasis of sophistication in the midst of all the redneckery. Justified's Kentucky is one in which the big city and the backwoods exist within minutes of each other. And, it was so well written you didn't really think about it.

If that was supposed to be sarcasm, then he missed the exit. Remember, there is no saying whatever you want and then flashing the "kidding face" on the internet.

Bad booking has nothing to do with Becky Lynch's ability. And you know she has that same underdog character Bayley does, where she's better chasing the heel champion, story-wise. And, her style and size and skills match up against Asuka alot better than Sasha Banks' or Bayley's do.

Agreed. Every matchup Asuka has on Raw, she's done in NXT, other than Sasha Banks, who is too small for Asuka. As an audience member, I don't believe she can beat Asuka. Neither can Bayley or Alexa. Nia-Asuka was underwhelming when it happened in NXT, so Mickie James is the only one I really care to see again.

People keep saying the women's division is in ruins now, but how so? It was basically Charlotte for Alexa Bliss and Mickie James. Charlotte is more than a replacement for either of those two individually, so they lost a piece. It does indicate that the next big women's call up will be to Smackdown. And your insistence

This entire thread is more evidence to my theory that no matter how good a thing is or how many people like it, in a comment section somewhere, someone is shitting on it.

Because DIY and The Revival had great spots together. And, once DIY was eliminated the match fell apart. It was like someone flipped the switch from great match to shitty match in that elimination, and the audience knew it. The Authors of Pain are just big, they aren't interesting. I thought the next xhant after

I agree with all of your points except the one about the Smackdown Women vs the Raw Women. The star power in the Raw women's match is way higher than Smackdown. You have two legit all-time greats in Charlotte and Sasha, and Bayley is solid enough with room to grow, and as underwhelming as Nia Jax is, she plays this

Lol, I didn't make any assumptions about you. You just don't like it when your opinion is challenged (that's not an assumption, that's an inference based on your responses). Word of advice? When you put an opinion out there that goes against what people think, expect it to be challenged. You don't get to be

You justify your comments with "just my opinion, which I'm entitled to", and you are. However, if you post it publicly, people are going to respond to it. Remember, you responded to someone else's original post with your opinion, that many people disagree with, and didn't substantiate it with reasons, and expect it

When you take a contrarian position, like saying he's a terrible writer which most people don't agree with, it does seem like a too-cool-for-school attitude, especially when you don't support it with anything.

For a Marvel movie, as sterile and cookie cutter as those movies are, I don't know that I could ask for more personality. It's the only Marvel move that has enough personality that it could have been made by the director who made it. The rest of them are so controlled and same that they could have been directed by any

Guardians of the Galaxy wasn't the point of my comment, but it is pretty much the consensus best MCU movie, so far, and still there were people who shit on it in comment sections, and are apparently. You are entitle to your opinion, surely, but you are in a tiny , yet vocal, minority, and even after all the griping,

I am always amazed that no matter how good a thing is, in an internet comment section, you will find dozens of people who hate that thing. I first noticed it for Guardians of the Galaxy. Even if you don't love every minute of it, how do you think it's so bad that you go to an internet comment section to express your

This article and the comment section that follows is my hugest problem with liberals today. They have claimed the "moral high ground" and now think they can say anything, even some of the most vile things outside of a youtube comment section, about anyone who doesn't stick to the party line. Here's the thing, though.

I don't know if AV Club higher ups will see this comment, but wrestling reviews are the reason I come to this site. Sure, while I'm here I'll click on other stories that look interesting, but the reason I type that address in my browser is for the wrestling reviews. I don't like the movie reviews (the only movies that

And that is why Gargano and Ciampa are the best… that and they wrestle some, too, I guess.

AV Club reviewers tend to err on the pretentious side, so when I saw the reviewer for Taboo was shitting on it, I rolled my eyes and skipped the review. But, seeing that they half liked this one, I decided to check in and see what they might have to say, given that it wouldn't all be negative. And then I saw this: