Simon Woods

Yeah, to me this signals that Isabelle Huppert wins in a walk, because the most compelling performance by a lead actress I saw wasn't nominated.

Except Hacksaw Ridge was one of the best movies of the year, and the direction of the war scenes was the best since Saving Private Ryan. But yes, no nomination for Amy Adams is a fiasco, especially with Meryl Streep just being thrown in there.

Yes! Michael Shannon owned Nocturnal Animals, and Jeff Bridges was so good in Hell or High Water. So was Ben Foster, but we can't have everything.

Triple H implanted himself into Seth Rollins' psyche so he could find out what he knows about wormholes? I'm in for that angle. Does that make Roman Reigns D'Argo?

I didn't like the reviewer's remark "Bayley and Charlotte are both varying ratios of hit or miss as promos". If he meant wildly varying, as in Charlotte is more hit than miss and Bayley is more reached-base-on-bunt than anything, then I can agree. But, to insinuate that Bayley is even on the same plane of existence as

An unattractive female, that's the reason people have a problem with it. If you attack Lena Dunham's appearance, you are attacking every overweight, plain looking, minimal effort woman in the world.

Lena Dunham is more of a bully than you or I could ever be. She uses her platform as a celebrity to target whoever she wants for whatever baseless reason her brain came up with that day. She has done more shitty things than maybe any celebrity that hasn't run for president, and I would say that the only reason the

So, in your opinion an un-medicated schizophrenic is responsible for their actions? It's a good thing the State doesn't agree with you.

There's no such thing as "not all of it was CTE related". Either it was or it wasn't, and it was. Not all schizophrenics kill people, but some do, and it is absolutely the schizophrenia. CTE is that affecting. They can't control their emotions, they have urges they wouldn't have otherwise. Their brain is warped.. He

So. serious question for you: How harshly do we judge Benoit, and to a lesser degree Snuka, knowing what we now know about CTE? I think Benoit is more of a tragic figure than a despicable one. He and his family were lost to a horrible disease that we hardly knew anything about at the time.

Yeah, this is a really Brit Marling show. If you have enjoyed her other work, this will be straight up your alley. Otherwise, I can see people being put off my it. I loved Sound of My Voice, and the ambiguous nature of the supernatural in it, so this show was easy to get into for me.

I was there last night in Columbus, and the crowd certainly wasn't bored during the Sasha-Nia segment. There was a girl sitting in front of me who was devastated during the entire segment, and especially when Nia flung Sasha across the ring. That said, sorry to all of the previous responders, but Charlotte is just a

I am not sure what homophobic BS you are referring to. It doesn't surprise me though. AJ is a southern evangelical Christian. I have heard him profess his faith more than once. And, an unfortunate side effect of that faith is the rampant homophobia in the bible. And, we as a society have to make some kind of reckoning

Yeah, I've only seen Charlotte on Raw, and she is the most natural heel in all of the WWE, except maybe the Miz, we need a Heel-off between them. Charlotte is the best current woman on the mic by far, and maybe ever. She has a well-defined character and knows what she's going to say when she goes out there. She also

This is a prime example of just because you say your opinion like it's a fact, it doesn't make it true. The main characters have a very defined arc. Everything that has happened to them is in service to where they will end up. Unlike some series, there is a destination in mind. Start watching Game of Thrones in season

Yeah, it sounds like CBS's Thursday night lineup might be your speed.

That comment just means you don't watch the show. One of the most impressive things about Game of Thrones is that it can take 10 different plot threads and line them all up thematically.

Just for point of reference, are you one of those mental deficients who thinks Sasha Banks actually is a better performer than Charlotte? Any sort of nuance comes from Charlotte in this feud. Charlotte has actual motivations for things, and Sasha is angry. Sasha smash, only she isn't as good at that as Charlotte,

I was going to mention that. Someone earlier talked about AJ showing off, and all I thought was he was definitely showing off his ass the whole match.

The big one on Breaking Bad for me was the one in the final season, To'Hajilee, that ends with the shootout between Hank and Todd's people. And, she directed the Craster's keep stuff, including the white walker reveal in GoT.