Simon Woods

So, at this point, if Michelle McClaren directs an episode of television, we know major things are happening, right? She's like a ringer prestige shows use when they have a major twist or major death. Is it safe to say she's the best television director of all time?

My favorite moment of that match was after the bell rang, the camera caught her putting the bell-ringer down, and she immediately pointed at some other guy and said "He did it!" like she wasn't standing next to the bell when she had no reason to be. That made me laugh pretty hard.

Amen. For all this reviewer's gushing about Goldberg, just wait until he actually "wrestles". He sucked at that part of being a wrestler 12 years ago, and I doubt he's gotten much better in all the subsequent years away.

I celebrate the guy's entire collection!

Yeah. To me Best Show of the Year:Non-Game of Thrones division is Atlanta, with maybe a challenge from Westworld. By far the best comedy.

The problem was that it very much seemed half-assed. And, I can imagine that both of them were leaving, and both of them are as purely mercenary as you can be, and neither take pride in what they do for it's own sake, and Brock was probably none to happy about having to job to a hack like Goldberg when he actually

Probably tomorrow in the Smackdown review.

Or, maybe it's a subtle indication that WWE have or are about to make a purchase?

You really brought your own subtext to this show, which is fine, because that happens all the time. It's why we connect to different things. But, in this case you are really seeing things that aren't there. And, saying ADA Weiss wasn't a fully fleshed out character is just untrue. She and Detective Box were the most

The Wire changed focus, several times in fact. And, even it didn't always work, as evidenced by the entire 5th season. For 8 episodes, The Night Of was very good, and borderline great.

What an awful thing to say.

If these shows didn't tell good stories, then it wouldn't matter how inclusive they were. They'd be inclusive on the cancellation line. But, Killjoys and Dark Matter tell good stories, and are fun to watch, regardless of who was cast in which roles. They generally make good choices, and so all the progressiveness

The point is, that still makes him more foreign than some of the guy on the foreign team.

If the plan the whole time was for this other woman to win it, then shouldn't the show have spent some time with her, you know, at all, before she won the presidency? This interview makes a bad finale seem worse, as he is patting himself on the back for decisions I thought were terrible.

I think the entire episode and where we are for the next season is about 10 percent as good as Mandel seems to think. That was not a good finale, and it does not leave the characters in an interesting position for next season. I found myself questioning whether I even want to watch this show next season.

The season wasn't awful, but this last episode sure was. I'm not one for fan service, but if your show is about a bunch of failures, they have to succeed occasionally, not only to reward your audiences faith in the show, but also keep their interest. I am losing my desire to watch one fuck-up after another with no

You know when this article lost me? When it started out with "There’s a great scene in Tomorrowland". Also, this entire "think piece" was built on a fundamental misunderstanding of both shows. If you are claiming that Walking Dead is optimistic, then they did it wrong (and by they I mean Robert Kirkman. He can say

Except, that the show keeps going back to the books, even still. The best parts of the show are taken straight from the books, and the weakest parts are the parts they have changed. The handling of the direwolves on the show has been a trainwreck. The only wolf with any importance is Ghost. The rest were cannon

That third act, though, is brutal. When I was first watching it I though, "What's the problem here? This isn't awful." But, then, about the time Dr. Doom made his appearance, it became the festering turd everyone said it was. So, in the end it was 2/3 of a mediocre sci-fi movie and 1/3 one of the worst movies ever

Also, lets take a moment to commend you on the Star Control reference in your username. I love love loved that game.