Simon Woods

And, to my original point in my first comment, what would you call someone who implies you're a racist just because you disagree with them? That seems to be a go-to tactic these days. I don't care what ethnicity or gender or sexual orientation a character is, all I want is for them to be well-written and well-acted.

So what exactly is the quota you have to meet of an ethnic group on a show before you can have someone from that ethnicity be a villain? And, if they would have cast caucasians as the hand ninjas, that would have been acceptable?

This isn't about his not liking the show. Elektra is kind of a crappy character, but that doesn't mean the writers of the show are sexist, it means they might not be very good writers, or at least just mis-stepped with that particular character.

I'll admit it, I have an agenda. My agenda is to read a television review of a comic book show free from political agendas.

I didn't coin the term, but it seems to fit here. What else should I say? What term is used to describe someone who watches shows based on comic books just waiting for something they can be outraged about?

I don't think he's completely off base for not liking this season of Daredevil. But, it's his reasoning that deserves to be the target of ridicule. There is too much of an agenda in his criticism. And that's true of most of the writings on the AV Club. This is where Social Justice Warriors come to write about

Don't you know that the A.V. Club comment section is groupthink at it's finest? There is one prevailing way to think about a thing and all other notions are roundly attacked. I thought you had a fair point. And all they showed you was how myopic their worldviews are.

Of course it's inherently dangerous work. That's why the diplomatic compound in Benghazi's woeful underpreparedness needs to be looked into. And while the investigation is on-going, despite roadblocks from the White House, the "liberal" media tries to paint all discussion about what happened in Benghazi like it's a

What a clever rebuttal. Truly, you are the class of AV Club commenters.

"Frontline reports from the Benghazi that isn’t some poorly explained right-wing conspiracy theory" Why is this necessary? Why does your left-wing propaganda have to appear in a TV preview for frontline, of all things? You do know while you sit there so smug and self-important, people actually died. The "right-wing

Let me go on record, in case Disney reads the comments, and say no to Jack Reynor. He is a crappy actor (at best). Ideally, go back to Miles Teller. That's who I thought of first. Alden Ehrenreich is the best choice of the second wave of potential Han Solos. Jack Reynor is just the worst option ever mentioned, so of

This is just misleading. It should say, "I don't like the results of IMDB's top 250. Waaah." Anyone can vote who signs up, and you can sign up in one click with the facebook button. It's like saying the republican primary is rigged because only Trump supporters are showing up to vote. Get out of here.

Why do I read these? They are always awful. There is no consideration that Tom Hardy was awesome in this movie. Mel Gibson was great, but now he's 60. He probably isn't in good enough shape to make this movie. And again. Tom Hardy was awesome. You probably think Frank Sinatra should have been John McClane in Die Hard

I "fell" like if you are going to criticize someone for a typo, you should probably make sure you don't make one either.

It seems as though Chris Bramesco is willfully missing the point of the movie. If you are writing something for my consideration it should have at least some basis in reality and not be intentionally misleading. It's like he watched the movie to twist anything he could to support his presupposition, or he was bullied

Good article, painfully dumb comments. Par for the A.V. Club course.

The headline should be: Despite Your Better Judgement, Come See the AV Club's Embarrassing Take on Politics. A word of advice: being snarky doesn't mean you have any good points to make. More than half the country believes the way Vince Vaughn does.

TYPING IN ALL CAPS DOESN"T MAKE IT TRUE! The two I have seen were, at the very least, interestingly good. I loved every plot twist in Predestination.