This article presents things as if the idol saved Hannah. It didn't. It was a wasted idol AGAIN.
This article presents things as if the idol saved Hannah. It didn't. It was a wasted idol AGAIN.
That last line was too close to home — it made me laugh and get queasy at the same time.
I think it will Chris or Zeke — one of the OU brotherhood — or Jessica. Chris and Jessica are both attorneys who seem to be very capable or reading people and controlling their emotions. But, I agree that Adam is overplaying the game to his own detriment.
You are using a specific segment of reality TV to attack all reality TV. Whereas I see Survivor and Amazing Race and contest shows like those as a totally distinct genre from the Duck Dynasty and Kardashian shows.
Taylor is the dumbest, most unaware Survivor player in history. Has he ever seen the show? I wish I could have seen him voted out last night for the surprise factor, but no matter when it happens, I am pretty sure he won't see it coming.