
"Your people don't know how to fight."

Oh, right, because she is such a lovely girl. Got it.

Rully. I mean, *I* woulda thunk of that, and I'm no Qyburn.

Temeraire. Whoops, I'm cross-pollinating again.

I think the dragons have to be ridden by Targaryens. There's only one Targaryen handy, and he doesn't(yet) know that he is one.

Especially when his mouth was full.

"Callista Gingrich hair," I'd call that.

Was that Sizemore? Wondered whatever happened to him. Not surprised to see him fetching up in Lynch-land.

Tightie-whiteys FTW?

"Poor Martha" is actually her name.

Spud sammie!

That was my instinctual take, too.

That was, in part, the intended suggestion, I suspect.

Huh. I see all of my comments have been removed. Kind of uncalled-for, don't you think? Is there some reason or explanation, or is it just the Banhammer of Loving Correction wandering over from Wonkette? (ETA: My apologies; it seems as though it was just a bit of random Disqus weirdness. I should have known.)

I believe the phrase is "I'll be in my bunk."

Well, they're only going to slaughter Wesen who deserve it. Same old same old.

"…(so that Diana wouldn't understand what they were saying). . .
I wouldn't be so sure of underestimating Diana at anything.

It just continued the show's shameful dissing of Jacqueline Toboni.

I just re-watched Season One, and enjoyed the hell out of it. I'd kind of forgotten what a feral badass/nerd Monroe was before being ameliorated by a good Grimm and a good woman. And all the characters were stronger, even Bitsie. Rosalee strode into the show like a colossus. Really, getting to know everyone all

Oh, God, I'd forgotten about Fringe. Possibly #1 in the list of shows that I was CRAZY about and which finally took off sputtering around the room like a released balloon.