Don Davis

Charlotte is the largest city in North Carolina, and also pretty much nowhere in North Carolina unless you work for a bank. The attractive places in the region are the Triangle, the Triad, Asheville, and Wilmington. Charlotte doesn't even rate.

Auburn is in Alabama, not NC, and the state religion in NC is college basketball, not college football. People's minds were so blown with the local teams this season that my uncle says that Duke's stadium was half-empty for most of their winning games.

Is it a stunt or an OMG real moment?

I don't watch this show. Is it any good?

God's Chosen Leader Kim Jong Il?

Man, those quotes from the show are just death. She wants to do good on her SATs, but good is not an adverb! Don't go downtown tonight, it's a laugh riot!

Here's how I read Dynarski's performance: it would have worked if the monster had earned it. The monster was so often shown and so non-terrifying in appearance that it undercut Dynarski performing as an insane man who absolutely knows he's doomed. If the creature had gone mostly unshown, and when shown, was at least

You do that. Make yourself real miserable. Good and surly. Nice and pouty.

I mean, okay, but no one else gave it five stars. I liked it, but it's not even all that memorable as a comedy, and it will seem extremely dated extremely soon.

In your defense, "3" probably put a lot of people off the series when it first aired.

I liked En Ami, but I just find it unbelievable that Scully would ever hand him the CD.

Mulder helped her realize what she was, which led to her full dissociation. It's pretty common on the show that Mulder's pushiness gets him into trouble.

What I found frustrating about Scully in "The Beginning" is how her lines in the episode require her to distrust Mulder completely after he just recently saved her life. In other situations, she's pushed him to describe fully the glimpses he's seen or the muddy memories of his childhood, and because he can't, she's

What I found frustrating about Scully in "The Beginning" is how her lines in the episode require her to distrust Mulder completely after he just recently saved her life. In other situations, she's pushed him to describe fully the glimpses he's seen or the muddy memories of his childhood, and because he can't, she's

Right, any more arbitrary rules you want to add in order to defend the tired and overused? Maybe it has to start with 'e' and contain the English name of a Greek letter?

Well, how about dramatic, exciting, extraordinary, important, imposing, intense, massive, monumental, notable, profound, remarkable, splendid, superb, thrilling, absorbing, affecting, arresting, august, awe-inspiring, consequential, cool, deep, effective, eloquent, excited, forcible, grand, impassioned, inspiring,