
I felt like they were doing a bit of a meta Cabin in the Woods thing with Eurus being the rabid fanbase, demanding emotional connection and puzzle solves out of the boys and the finale. I don't think it worked, but an interesting idea

However, this series already doesn't have nearly as isolating a feel as the books (by nature of having perspectives outside of the Baudelaires) so Olaf's constant menace isn't really there as much yet as it feels sort of villain of the week. But I'm hoping this will improve as we get farther in

Handler has said that Olaf is "too ridiculous to be truly terrifying yet too terrifying to be truly ridiculous", and I think between drunkenly striking Klaus and the creepy stuff with Violet he's riding that line pretty well. Not all the comedy stuff is hitting for me but Olaf seems okay so far. but they're going to