Nah, screw you, there's a difference between refusing someone's identity and refusing someone's hateful, violent views. You wear deplorable like a badge, but at least it tells us exactly what you are.
Nah, screw you, there's a difference between refusing someone's identity and refusing someone's hateful, violent views. You wear deplorable like a badge, but at least it tells us exactly what you are.
This, so much this, so fucking much this. Calling someone out, even discriminating against them for the things they actually do towards others is not bigotry, hating someone for who they are is. This is why refusing to serve a racist is ok, but refusing to serve a gay person, or a black person is not ok. There's a…
Man, I knew you'd come and spew some crazy nonsense all over this thread. This, at least, as reassured me there is some regularity in the AV club universe. Your English has gotten a lot better, by the way. Still incoherent and nonsensical, but grammatically sound!
I don't necessarily wish all Trump voters dead, that's clearly a violation of many basic tenets of our society. But I think that it's important to recognize the difference between wishing someone harm for their identity, and wishing someone harm for their hate and violence. Black people, LGBT folks, latinxs, women,…
Twank versatile.
I think I finally found a reason to get a twitter.
"Well, guy in a skeleton costume comes up to the guy in the Superman suit
Runs through him with a broadsword. Then they fuck."
-John Darnielle, probably
No safe spaces for hate.
Nah, it doesn't bigot. Fuck off.
It just occurred to me that both our president's last names are Britishisms to describe lowly things, Pence a tiny amount of money, and Trump a fart.
It means "Buddhist temple" or some shit on Japanese maps, I believe.
*heart cooks brain*
And even if she was, so what? I'd be drunk too, because a fascist just stole my dream from me.
Maybe I just sympathize, cuz I was pretty drunk that night.
Goddamn, that's some good Colbertian dark-humor right there. Sometimes, I think his new, not openly satirical persona, helps bring an extra gut pinch to zingers like that.
In Quebec yes, though I can't vouch for the rest. Canada has their own version of American Style Football.
I was gonna say, minus the bold type and woman in a bikini pic, this was practically indistinguishable from the real thing.
But who would wanna be such an asshole?
You know Canada does still exist right?
Tell that to all of the Christians that voted for him. If they'd all been beamed up, he'd have been missing a good chunk of his base.
Holy shit, is that something they actually believed. Because despite all the more problematic stuff, thi would be an instance where they were spot on.