
Sure. But most do and for those that don't, a polite discussion with the manager and an explanation of "Lookit. I only ordered the chicken salad and a draft beer and that's all I'm paying for. Your server wants his tip and I don't blame him, but the gratuity is for service and I'm trying to ask as nicely and politely

This problem took, what, 1000 words to describe but could have been solved with seven? Those seven words, uttered to the server at the outset of the dinner, are "Hey, I'd like my own check, please."

Holy crap. Well, I was wrong but at least I'm not "that guy" after all! Thanks for clarifying.

I really hate to be "that guy" but the video game Henry was playing wasn't "Space Cadet." I'm pretty sure he was playing "Tempest." There wasn't a game called "Space Cadet" at that time although there was a game called "GORF" where, when a player lost/died, a robotic voice would laugh at the player and call him/her