
There's probably much more into this simplistic and horrific story. I know that for sure…

You do not get to? May be it's because he was extremely talented? Achieving mainstream success is pointless.

His death was never established as a suicide. The autopsy report says 'undetermined' and I think it's very important to say that for the reason you mention above. There is a strong possibility he didn't do it, and no, I am not a conspiracy theorist :) I just like facts.

early 2003 he was just recovering from his detox and he was weak, but mid 2003 he was another man, I saw him several times in LA.

A lot of people are suspicious, including people who were close to him. When did you see him? because I saw him in May 2003 and even talked to him, then saw him again in August 2003 and he was not a trainwreck anymore. He had drugs problems for a while but cleaned up at the end and was doing much better

not true, it was correctly spelled on the suicide note, it was a mistake made by the coroner. As for being a real suicide note, I have serious doubts for many reasons

that's not true, he had meds (normal doses) in his system when he died, just read the autopsy reort. Don't believe what his girlfriend said, she said many contradictory things,… 'he stopped taking his meds'…. 'oh too many meds.'.. His death was never declared as a suicide by the authority, it's undetermined. https://ju

as I said I talked to a medical expert, she said he was very probably taking his meds and not abusing them 'I want to make sure you're aware that Smith was taking a number of medications that I am presuming were all prescribed for him. No blood levels of these meds were found above a normal therapeutic range. This

There are some rare cases, but Elliott's case has so many oddities (no hesitation wounds, stabbing through the clothes, small cuts on his upper right arm and palms…) that the case deserves to be re-examined. Plus, he and his girlfriend had been fighting all morning the day he died. Do you know she admitted to have

Not bullshit, it's a serious possibility. At least there was probably foul play. again, the police could not conclude, the autopsy report says 'could not be determined' and the case is still open. A lot of people are suspicious, contrarily to what Shultz (Torment Saint) wrote. There is so much more into this story

May I add that his girlfriend said he went cold turkey (Spin magazine) but during a Q&A after a movie, she also said he was on too many meds and she was partially blaming his 'suicide' on the meds.. you can't have it both ways.

they don't last very long in your system, I talked to a medical expert, and these meds don't last very long in your system, 2 days at most and he had normal doses.
He had several of them actually.

I know all this but his close friend Nelson Gary (I spoke with him) has another view of the song: http://www.lummoxpress.com/…
The song is filled with metaphors and I don't take it at the first level like any Elliott Smith's song
I also don't take Torment Saint seriously, I met the author and his main source is Jennifer

yeah but in this case, they should not write 'committed suicide' to describe his death because we don't know what happened…

Elliott Smith was much more than a sad sack writing melancholic songs, and there is much more into the story regarding his death, which was NOT classified as a suicide by the police. The box 'could not be determined' is checked on the autopsy report and the case was left open since. Contrarily of what you read

Drug addictions are metaphors in his songs, and he wrote most of the drug songs before he had even touched heroin or other drugs. Anyway, he said it very well in this interview that recently re-surfaced, with the animation Blank on blank: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

you are so wrong about this!