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    So are we gonna have to deal with half-an-episode's-worth of grieving and reminiscing everytime somebody dies? That might get old fast.

    Haha I don't know exactly what "butt rock" means but I don't see how it could possibly be a bad thing!

    Rolling Stone gave it one and a half stars and every other review I've seen was weirdly, intensely negative. I didn't realize it at the time cause I was like fourteen, but yeah Volcano Girls was a hit but I think the bad press kind of suffocated it beyond that.

    Finally someone acknowledges that 8 Arms is a good album! I never understood why it got so critically shat on back in the day.

    To me this looks like a joke stretched way too thin… but I'm curious enough to check it out.

    Yes, these hilarious write-ups were the only reason I stuck this out to the end. In fact the thought of Hostages existing without these Hostages reviews is kind of horrifying. They were needed to bring balance to the universe.

    I'm wondering if Toni Collette is trying to vanish herself from this show. It seems like every week she's in fewer scenes and the plot really no longer revolves around her. I like to imagine that she told the writers exactly what she thought of their work, and demanded the exact minimum number of lines per week that

    Yeah this wasn't even funny-bad like the kiss scene last week, just unwatchably stupid. I kept having to ask "wait, what just happened?" - literally couldn't remember the previous scene because it was all so boring and nonsensical. Gonna hatewatch the last few episodes though I guess, sunk-cost fallacy and all that.

    Toni Collette is a great actress when she has good material, check out Muriel's Wedding or Little Miss Sunshine among other good stuff she's done. I don't know how she got suckered into this show but I think she tried for a couple episodes and then just gave up, now she's totally phoning it in.

    The rarely seen ironic A. Does this… does this make this the official worst episode of anything ever?

    My favorite thing about this episode was that while the hostage-takers were busy with their various subplots, Brian and the kids didn't even TRY to escape or accomplish anything. Were they watching TV in the game room the whole time, or what?? MAKE AN EFFORT.