Jonny Vegas

Really? The Internet is not the real world, that is ridiculous. People don't act the same, the laws aren't the same the content isn't the same.

Seth Rogan isn't that fat, have you seen him recently?

Again this is not about actual real world threats and actions. It is about someone thinking they need to be protected from someone saying "hey you're stupid and I don't like you."

I think that certain parts of feminism are the ones guilty for giving third wave feminism a bad name, and that idea comes straight from my women's studies professor. She believes that second wave got a bad name from actual sexists, third wave has gotten a bad name because of killallmen, I drink men's tears, it is okay

"Straw man" I dont think that means what you think it means.

Yeah you are comparing two very opposite sides. Should all types of harassment on the Internet be laughed off? No, especially when it enters "the real world." Should everyone expect to put everything out there online and only receive positive reinforcement, unequivocally, no. This episode isn't about doxxing, or even

One of the most ridiculous episodes I have ever seen. You should have actually tackled the tough question of when a young black man gets killed after committing a crime and resisting arrest what should the public do then. Ferguson; Crime and resisting arrest. NYC; resisting arrest. LA; Crime and resisting arrest (also