
To answer your question: no, I'm sure you're not the only one who doesn't like Infinite Jest.

Patrick Bateman listening to it on headphones was my first thought. Sums up the entire song, really.

Really? Awesome. After having a Brass Eye and Blue Jam binge I'm convinced he's the funniest, most subversive man walking the Earth.

I enjoyed Breaking Bad, but I'm not convinced it worked as a tragedy.

The joke is the suggestion that Green Day are subtle.

Agreed. For all its faults, I ate up every episode. But I can't be bothered to rewatch it. Maybe season 1 if I was in the mood, but slog through the second half of the series? Forget it.

The Incident was terrible. The main plot relied on so many characters being total morons, which always bugs me.

Lost fumbled (at least) the last two seasons as far as I'm concerned. I've never ragged on the finale, because its problem was far bigger than that.

Season 1 is flat-out great television.

True Detective's season was better than BB's final season, but I assume the latter will win it.

How do you manage to comment first on EVERY SINGLE article?! Why can't you give someone else a chance ferchrissake?