
May I humbly suggest, foreign interloper that I am, that when the opportunity comes up to introduce some checks and balances in two years' time you do what Dems don't normally do and vote in force? I know the Republicans have gerrymandered the everliving shit out of the House but with the Senate there is much

If you haven't already seen The Shield then that's the best fit for the BB-shaped hole in your life. I'm not saying it's the next best show, just that it's thematically similar enough to bring you down gradually from that BB high. Vick Mackey is dirtier than Walter White was when the series begins, but the arc is the

Please go back to the Guardian, Charlie, at least for a bit. It's been really thin on laughs since you left.

that was fucking beautiful.

No. I think you're experiencing a phenomenon called 'pareidolia' where the mind sees a pattern where none exists. It's the same thing that happens when someone cops a head injury and wakes up with a foreign accent. They don't actually have a 'foreign' accent, people hearing them just mentally translate their funny

That is a bit of a problem with history-based dramas. Unless the makers are taking shameless liberties with the source material (i.e. stuff that happened and is verifiable via a 5 minute Wikipedia search), the ending is known in advance. But then most people avoid spoilers by not knowing anything about history.

To be fair, they must get bored as fuck in Alexandria. Sure they have hot water for some reason and fresh linen, but there's no TV, no football field and they've probably read all the good books. It's tear-arse around outside on ill-conceived rescue missions or torment each other for fun.

I get the using whiskey as a last-resort anesthetic. What I don't get is the taking a mere swig instead of emptying the bottle when the impending operation is DIY dentistry.