
Fire Escape just missed on being a big hit, but it should've been the third.

I came here expecting to be made to feel old. When I found out they concluded I'm not too old, I vehemently disagreed, which made me feel old.

Agree. The acoustic version is good, but sadder, more like he's reflecting on the emotions, now gone, that the song is about. The energy of the original version just captures those emotions so perfectly that I can't quite get behind a softer version.

If you think this, you either haven't been paying attention for the last two months or you're a right-wing troll who loves the idea of gutting the EPA, the Department of Education, the State Department, HUD, and the Department of Labor in order to boost military spending.

Reminds me of the time I stopped going to a website because, in trying to load a whole mess of articles at once, it caused my browser to crash all the time.

Point is, we're not talking about a guy who thinks he should've gotten laid after a failed first date, but a guy who feels duped because his girlfriend went on a date with him, planning to dump him the whole time. One situation is viewing the dinner as a transaction, the other is feeling milked for all for all you're

I get that, but I think the best interpretation is that, since he's getting dumped, and she has his t-shirt, she's dumping him post-date after a relationship of non-trivial length, suggesting she knew going in that she was planning on dumping him but went on the date anyway, which is kind of a BS move. Given that, I

Everyone outside of California would be totally screwed - Republicans would dominate the country indefinitely. It's hard to say what the government's response would be, but given the Republicans' love of keeping themselves in power, I imagine the response would be a sarcastic, "Oh, no, please, don't leave…"

Art has political messages sometimes. Deal with it.

Yeah, we should ignore everything going on politically, because it's annoying. That's the best way to ensure that our country keeps moving in the right direction!

Hah, fair enough. I saw some comment the other day claiming that the Wallflowers' version of "Heroes" was better than Bowie's, and I definitely thought ill of them personally.

Whoa, calm down. He took one opinion (Dylan is a lousy songwriter), which you concede is valid, and extended it into another opinion (Bowie's admiration of Dylan was a "fault"), which is apparently not a valid one. I disagree with both opinions, but they don't warrant the reaction.

This is how I discovered the magic of brandy - one of my favorites, though it can be difficult to find a place with good orgeat.

Nah, I'm afraid I was responding to the comments about reheating leftover pizza. I doubt (though I could be wrong) a frying pan would do well with a frozen pizza. At a minimum, I'd expect lots of spattering.

I see you beat me to this suggestion. You win this round, Gjetostbuster…

I'm partial to a frying pan with a teensy bit of oil - cover it and cook on low for a few minutes, and you get melty cheese and a delicious crisp crust without drying anything out.

Is the support for "Sanders 2016" a way of reminding us how a Trump presidency will happen, thereby deepening our fear? Very effective.

Real enough for me! Writing it down to tell my future children.

Please tell me this is real.