
Totally replacing my earlier long response with this… because I finally figured it out:

I'm addressing you because you seem reasonable. When you respond to him five times, that means the rest of us have to scroll past five more of his droppings. Please don't. I understand that he seemed reasonable at first… That's a trap, to get you involved. He just likes to jerk off to other people's frustrations.

I like this. And I have to believe that cell Morgan built is gonna be put to some use. If they have a pantry, an infirmary, and an armory, it makes sense to have a jail.

You've developed a pretty authoritative psychological profile of a person who doesn't really exist and that lots of folks have been following as long as you. You also spend a lot of time defending her from misunderstanding bullies on the internet. It's almost as if she's your (only) friend in real life.

Yeah that didn't make sense to me either. Especially since he knows now that the disease had already spread, and killing them didn't save anybody. It seemed like they just needed to make him more extreme to clash with Morgan.

Such a good quote. I secretly, low-key, don't-tell-anybody love that man's campaign. I'd wanna stab myself in the brain if he were elected, but I do love his campaign.

Morgan tied up a wolf, took Denise into the room with him, and then left her there. Blaming it on Carol is like saying "The baby would've been fine standing on the ledge if you hadn't shown up and spooked her." Denise was about to get choked to death trying to treat the wolf's wounds before Carol burst in and told her

Totally agree with your last paragraph. There does seem to be a disconnect between the writers' belief that the story is inherently about who kills and who dies, and some viewers' belief that the story is about people, and who they become in extraordinary circumstances. Morgan's standalone episode only existed to

That was my second favorite Morgan line, after the exchange about the protein bar.

To be fair, Rick takes a lot of criticism (from fans), but there really isn't any way to not get people killed in this world. Anyone who's responsible for a dozen people's lives and has to confront mobs of homicidal maniacs on a regular basis is gonna take some casualties. Part of what I like about Rick's group is

I don't need them to talk about their periods, but it's logically impossible not to acknowledge it at all. They've been on a million runs for supplies at this point. It would've been easy to have one of the women grabbing boxes of tampons/pads off the shelves of one of the stores they ransacked. If Bob can grab

This part makes sense. And if Morgan had only talked about rehabilitation, it would be fine. But folks are ignoring the part where Morgan explicitly said "Carl is alive because the wolf saved Denise!" That part makes no sense. If he had just left that out, the wolf's change of heart would be much more meaningful. As

It definitely does. For instance, the time spent as Herschel's farm, and looking for Sophia, wasn't nearly as bad for me. And it actually helped establish relationships between the group and Herschel's family before sending them all off into the wilderness together.

Great name.

The fact that they kinda brought this fight on themselves actually makes it much more interesting to me. But Morgan is annoying because his philosophy is practically impossible. It's too easy to talk about non-violence when you live under the protection of a bunch of people with guns. Morgan is free to go live a

Things that put Denise in danger:
- Morgan keeping a wolf in Alexandria
- Morgan taking Denise to see the wolf
- Morgan leaving Denise alone with the wolf
- Morgan stopping Carol from killing the wolf

I actually think Abraham is the best secondary character. He's a believably strong/valuable addition to the team, and he requires very little screen time to make a genuinely entertaining contribution. I'd much rather have 20 seconds of Abraham than to spend any time with Sasha, Rosita (though she's not bad), Spencer,

Morgan got some points back when he explained it's not about being "right." He's just trying not to be so wrong that he can't live with himself. That's fair. The non-logic about the wolf "saving" Denise though… that's still annoying as hell.

The reason it can't be "just an apple" is because unless it's a symbol, there's no reason for it to be there. If it were a glass of water by the side of the bed, then it could just be a glass of water. But no one wakes up and reaches for their bedside apple. And no one wants to be fed an apple as soon as they open

This is what annoys me. It's unrealistic that they would have gotten away unharmed this many times. Also, I'm telling myself that Rick *wants* to believe that they're safe, just like Michonne got to the point where she wanted to believe that Aaron was telling the truth and Alexandria could be a safe place to live. If