
Your screen name should be Not Impressed.

For what it's worth, I binged everything up until last week, and it's sooooo much better that way. There are no cliffhangers. No waiting a week just for an unsatisfying set-up episode. And while I see the short-comings, they're not nearly as bothersome when you watch a few episodes at once, cuz you're guaranteed to

I have no idea what they'll actually do, but I think the plot armor is spread pretty thin at this point. Everyone can't be bulletproof. Rick's group has had a lot of guns pointed at them by some really brutal people the last couple seasons, and somehow they always come away unharmed. That can't (shouldn't) go on

Also, the exchange at the end about the protein bar kinda redeemed their interaction for me. That was sweet.

Sasha needed a purpose/personality a full season ago. And that Rick "It's all good" monologue was among the dumbest things anyone has ever said on this show. Between that and the stupid apple, the fan service of him and Richonne in that scene was ruined.

"When you were pouring the batter… were you trying to make pancakes?"

I love him too. Even when he's not doing much, he's such a character. Which is interesting because as much as I want to like his new girlfriend, Sasha has never had an inkling of a personality.

This is the truth.

It bothered me that no one mentioned that on Talking Dead. First, he forced her out into a mob of walkers. Then he was nice enough to let her get away. The logic is the worst.

The Adam and Eve apple was my least favorite part of the episode. Per the comments below, at least the unnecessary Carol flashback got a cool soundtrack. The apple was just awkward and made the scene look completely unnatural.

I echo your feelings about the Carol situation. I get that the "PTSD" behavior isn't supposed to be rational. But going out into the big, bad world where you literally have to kill everyone you meet, made no sense. Especially when there was a like-minded person (Morgan) at Alexandria she could've rolled with. Now she