
The character selection was one of the things that really appealed to me about those games, especially in RotJ when all of the characters held a little more variety than just being different skins. It was always fun doing that spin move Chewie has to clear out a bunch of enemies quickly, or throwing your lightsaber

Well, most of the ones I listed can qualify as movie games because they directly adapt scenes and aspects of the movies. The Rogue Squadron games had many levels taken directly from the movies just as the Battlefront games depict battles from the movies. Super Star Wars trilogy directly translates the movies, as does

Funny enough, the "movie games suck" theory (which usually holds true) doesn't really apply that often to Star Wars. In fact, SW has had an usually high ratio of good games to bad games. The Jedi Knight/Outcast series, KOTOR, Battlefront, Super Star Wars trilogy, Episode I Racer, Rogue Squadron series, X-Wing vs. TIE

I don't know if the SNES version was any different, but it took me years before I ever played as adult Simba, and I think I used passwords for that.

I loved them though. The first game was the hardest, by far. And though RotJ was the easiest overall, the last level had to be the hardest fucking thing in the entire series. I remember I went through and finally beat the trilogy in my late teens, breezed through RotJ and made it to the last level without using any

Battlefront 2 was my life throughout middle school. One of my favorite moments was playing the Felucia level and getting all of the bases except for the one on top of the pillar that had a spiral staircase. I went in alone climbing up the staircase and since so many enemies just kept regenerating over and over again I

I think those games, especially Mario 64, were helped by the fact that nothing like it could have been done in the previous generations. Now a days, the leaps are getting smaller and smaller and the major difference (at least at this stage) is limited to graphics. It'll be awhile before we get any truly revolutionary

I may be alone on this one, but I actually prefer the Rifftrax over MST3K now a days. I've been watching some of them lately and just not being as entertained by them as I used to be. I was never really a fan of the sketches and stuff between the movie commentaries, but lately I've been busting a gut at Rifftrax while

All together ooky, actually.

Is that how to properly prepare a Francasserole? I've never been able to get the recipe right. It always tastes too full of itself.

So what you're saying is that, in their desperation, Hollywood turned to a group they did not fully understand? You see, some nerds can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some nerds just want to watch Affleck burn.

I really hope this means Duncan can come back and fill up the spot, or at least show up a bit more. Though more likely I think it'll be supporting players like Neil who already has an in with the group.

They could always kill off Pierce in the premier and have a funeral for him to show up to. Then he can stick around and be the greatest Cousin Oliver TV has ever seen!

Yea, I'm starting to get really annoyed by all of these teases they keep putting for the premier, even in unrelated articles. I'm just trying to find stuff to read to keep me entertained on a boring Sunday and it feels like I can't even trust this site to keep me safe from minor spoilers. I don't want to know anything

I 100 what you did there.

He was awesome as Mad Dog in Part III and definitely underrated throughout.

I don't blame him either. He got a lot of good mileage as Andy when the writers knew how to write for him. He really shouldn't have been thrust into the leadership role the way they did.

Stiller always works best to me when he gets to play a character that's exaggerated and cartoonish (Dodgeball, Zoolander, Tropic Thunder, Tony Wonder on AD) than playing the straight man. Vince Vaughn I think is a little better as the straight man, but he plays them all the same and kind of bland and needs really good

Because he was third banana in the Hangover films (arguably fourth, depending on who you ask about Ken Jeong) and the last two seasons of the Office were terrible and his character wasn't received well as the leader after Steve Carrell left.